Hi Ashlie,
I like the C. S. Lewis quote in your signature.
It's True. Everything we do has Infinite
Ramifications. And it's Good to keep this
always in the forefront.
I saw an Excellent movie the other 'day'
that deals with this topic - =The Butterfly
For me, it was chillingly-realistic in it's
portrayal of a certain 'Struggle'.
And so Evocative of C. S. Lewis' 'point'.
Cheers, ken
"Ashlie Benjamin Hocking" <abh2n at cobra.cs.Virginia.EDU> wrote in message
news:y21kk72w6sm2.fsf at cobra.cs.Virginia.EDU...
> "Panagiotis Artemiadis" <partem at mail.ntua.gr> writes:
> > Anyone knows resources about human arm model
> > and specification of the degrees of freedom?
> > (including fingers if possible)
>> You'd probably get better results posting to a graphics or robotics
> newsgroup. I googled on
> simulation "human arm" "degrees of freedom"
> and got some fairly decent looking results. Of course, maybe I'm
> misunderstanding your purpose, and there's a very valid reason you're
> posting to a neuroscience newsgroup.
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> | "Good and evil both increase at compound
> Ben Hocking, Grad Student | interest. That is why the little
>hocking at cs.virginia.edu | decisions you and I make every day are of
> | such infinite importance." - C. S. Lewis
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------