An electrophysiology quesiton

k p Collins kpaulc at [----------]earthlink.net
Mon Feb 9 13:32:24 EST 2004

"Xiaoshen Li" <xli6 at gmu.edu> wrote in message
news:c08fgr$pm9 at portal.gmu.edu...
> Hi,
> I have an electrophysiology question.
> I read somewhere "somatic EPSCs
> under passive voltage clamp conditions...".
> What is "passive voltage clamp"? I am
> always confused EPSC and EPSP. In
> voltage clamp condition, are we measur
> ing EPSCs?
> Thank  you very much for your help.
> Best Regards,
> Xiaoshen

I =presume= that "EPSC" is an acronym
for "excitatory post synaptic conductances".

If it's so, then, I've discussed everything
that's involved in former posts that can be
accessed by doing a Groups Google[tm]

protein+folding+3-D energydynamics+kpaulc

Potentials and conductances are the 'two sides'
of the same 'coin', and are inherently inseparable.

In Physics, it's 'just' Ohm's Law.

Where it gets 'Difficult', in Neuroscience, is that
the neural Topology is 'complex', and inherently-
dynamic. But this 'Difficulty' is all exceedingly-
simple to work-through. The 'Difficulty' derives
in the fact that there's just a =lot= of it to be
worked-through, but that's not a 'show-stopper'
be-cause it's all 'just' the Simple Physics of of
Ohm's Law, carried-through in the 3-Space of
the neural Topology.

Get it?

Don't 'get lost' in specific data.

See the overall 3-D energydynamics, and you
can just 'walk-through' everything that's in-there.

That's what I did in the posts that can be accessed
by doing the Groups Google, above.

Cheers, Xiaoshen, ken [k. p. collins]

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