"John H." <johnh at faraway.> wrote in message
news:4026fdd4 at dnews.tpgi.com.au...
> Ken,
> [...]
I've presumed, since learning of Neil's
interest in demyelination, that he's here
in b.n that is, in some way correlated
to my long-former discussions of the
way that NDT handles ALS [and other
degenerative diseases].
If Neil wanted Permissions, he should've
stated such Forthrightly.
If his Purpose was otherwise, he should've
stated whatever it was Forthrightly - instead
of making thinly-veiled accusations with
respect to 'the data', which was what I
found Unacceptable.
=I did the work=.
Doing it was an immersion in Savagery be-
cause I was constantly 'buffetted' by the
'group-think' - the Prejudice against not-
self that has had 'neuroscience' in its grasp
since 'neuroscience' gained its existence.
In order to Survive in the face of such,
I had to Steel my Being.
Over the decade+ that I've spent inter-
acting here in b.n, I've been working to
turn this 'group-think' around, and any-
one who looks will see that I was doing
so with Sensitivity to the Fact that folks
were Victimized by the the absence-of-
understanding that was handed-down,
Professor-to-Student, during the History
of Neuroscience.
Anyone who looks will see that I've al-
ways worked in ways that've Guarded
Folks' Free Wills - I only named-names
when failure to do so, on my part, would've
'cast-doubt' upon my own Credibility.
I've Protected folks Families, and folks'
abilities to continue to work in Science
[not only in Neuroscience, but =all= of
Science - because, in Tapered Harmony,
all of Science is rewritten].
Yet folks've treated me in the most-scurilous
ways, tending, always, to call my Ethics
into question.
When I almost Died be-cause doing what
fell to me to do so Ravaged my Being.
I've been racing to lift folks up in under-
standing, taking all the B. S. on the chin,
all along, in an effort to lift folks up =be-
fore= someone would make the sort of
Public Accusation that has recently
occurred here in b.n.
I Tried.
But, I lost that race.
And that left me having to Honor Truth.
If folks look, folks'll see that it was a
Dying, and, to me, heart-breakingly
Neil, if you're reading this, I developed
my neuro-degenerative disease stuff from
first-principles. It is 100% my own work.
I give you full Permission to use it, and
Encourage you to do so, on behalf of
those who Suffer while they wait for
Neuroscience to Rescue them.
If I'm Wrong in my surmise with respect
to the way you came here, to b.n, demand-
ing to see 'the data' upon which [I pre-
sume] my degenerative-disease stuff is
founded, then, please clarify why it is that
you were so 'demanding'.
To everyone else:
I Tried to just take everything on the chin.
But folks need to be aware that I Honor
ken [K. P. Collins]