Keep interested in your own career, however humble.

Ian supportTeam at lasite.biz.dk
Mon Feb 9 01:21:26 EST 2004

La Site Communique;  09/02/2004 06:21:26

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Hello, bienvenue, bienvenidos and g'day. 
We hope this Communication finds your good self and the whole bionet.neuroscience community in good health and with Great Spirit.

La Site is proud and privileged to field itself as the favoured meeting point and dating site, for you, the UseNet Community

We wish to extend our best wishes by way of giving you a free, 30 day, full-on Platinum Membership.

This will give everyone a fair 30 days to fully test drive the site. 

This is a no-strings, zero-pressure offer to you so you are able to make an informed choice about joining us full time. 

We are here February 14th. 

Until then, our best Wishes, adios and bye bye,
La Site Support Team.

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