"John H." <johnh at faraway.> wrote in message
news:4026fdd4 at dnews.tpgi.com.au...
> Ken,
> [...]
It's as I've been saying all along, John.
There's stuff that Needs to be done.
With what's left in-me, I'm doing it.
I want for no one else to ever have to
go through what I've been through.
So I'm 'lifting-folks-up' with respect
to 'all' that's entailed.
What has been passing for "Science"
has been a Sham.
Sort of like a mutual-butt-kissing
Being 'already-dead', you see, I'm
Free to do this Work.
Sure, it won't do me any good.
But be-cause of what fell to me to
do, there was nothing I could do that
would've done me any good, is there?
Folks who haven't been through what
I've experienced can't see that.
They 'think', "Why doesn't he do [this
or that] that works for everyone else?"
It's be-cause what fell to me to do is
unlike anything that anyone else does.
I've had to 'go' right into folks' Beings,
construct awareness of the 'blind'-auto-
mation within, and, while Cherishing
folks' Beings, bannish the Unworthy-
of-Humanity stuff.
It'll take longer than I've left for folks
to come-to-terms with the Worth,
Is this enough of 'explaining-myself'?
I've explained - "inversion" will happen
after I Die. Folks're 'terrified' of allowing
it to happen while I'm still able to speak.
"Oh well."
I'm used to it.
Grabbing-TSEOTS is my lot in Life.
And I'm only Grateful for the Priviledge
But the 'time' for 'advice' is passed.
ken [k. p. collins]