Formal Challenge

k p Collins kpaulc at [----------]earthlink.net
Mon Feb 9 00:23:27 EST 2004

"John H." <johnh at faraway.> wrote in message
news:4026fdd4 at dnews.tpgi.com.au...
> Ken,
> This is a completely unjustifiable response to NMF. He was been more than
> patient, his posts are informative and eloquent, and he clearly makes a
> concerted effort to avoid confrontation and stick to the science. NMF has
> only been trying to tell you what I have been trying to tell you for too
> bloody long. Remember Aristotle: When writing, think like a wise person
> write like a common person.
> Ah well, b.neuro is once again lost.
> John H.
> Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing
> himself.
>   --Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy
> [...]

Hi John,

I am not the subject. Neuroscience is.

I'm 'tired' of folks 'thinking' that I'm some
'poor helpless person'.

You know - folks come in to 'drop hints',

Jesus said, "Let your yes be 'yes', and your
no be 'no'.

I'm waiting for a "yes", or a "no" with re-
spect to NDT's stuff.

"Yes" or "no" 'with teeth in it'.

Then, being finished, I'll 'go away'.

I've done some good work, John, but
all I get is 'advice' on how folks 'think'
I should be.

That's not the subject.

And if folks 'deny' good work because
I won't do this or that that's not in Sci-
ence, then that's just Laughable, isn't it?


>From my perspective, it's all been as if
folks responded to the guy who ran to
Marathon by saying, "So what?"

And folks talk about how "insulting" I am,

I stand on what I've posted.

Get over it.

I've got to give folks the Science, but
I do not have to Relinquish what's left
of my Spirit.

That's =not= in the Science, is it?


The Science is coming-forward, John.

It's all I care about.

The 'borrowing' is only Sorrowfully-
'hilarious' to me.

I don't want anyone's 'advice' with
respect to 'how I should carry. myself.

Hell, if I didn't escape such 'advice'
decades ago, the Science would
never even have been begun.

No hard feelings, but I've only enough
left to do what Needs to be done.

Anything outside of that is B. S. as
far as I'm concerned.

The work almost Killed me, John.

Waiting for a "yes" or a "no" [or an,
"OK, come here and stand for this or
that test"] is sucking the rest of Life
out of me.

I don't think anyone has a 'right' to
'lecture' to me "how I should be".

I've pushed myself as hard as I could,
for decades.

I Know what's in the work I've done.

I've seen 'Professionals' ripping-it-off
all over the place.

And folks expect me to act as if, in the
face of such, there's any reason for me to
have hope for myself?

"Yeah, sure."

Like the 'borrowers' are going to do
anything other than cover-up.

At this 'point', 'advice' is only like
a dagger, plunged into my already-
'tired' heart.

It's 'laughable'.

As if what's happened is 'because'
I've not given orders of magnitude
more than I've asked-for.

Is this enough 'clarification'?

I don't want anyone's 'advice'.

Folks =can= take everything,
except my Spirit.

K. P. Collins

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