"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
news:rmvVb.16390$jH6.7380 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net...
> "Peter F." <effectivespamblock at ozemail.com.au> wrote in message
> news:0vpVb.1054$J9.26695 at nnrp1.ozemail.com.au...> > [...]
> [...]
Again, Peter, all I'm doing, these 'days', is
'holding' things at the 'point' of instability,
be-cause it's Necessary to do so to enable
folks' nervous systems to achieve TD E/I-
minimization with respect to "TD E/I-min-
The transition from instability to stability
occurs 'blindly'-and-automatically, if only
folks do not 'move away from' Truth, in-
See the discussion of the "zone of random-
ness" in AoK, Ap4.
I'm doing it, 'now', for a number of Reasons.
I've been building the informationbase for
the past decade here in b.n.
And the 'state' of Humanity-wide affairs is
'ripe' - folks are aware that there is a Need
for a way other than mutual-Ravaging.
So, be-cause things're 'ripe', I can't 'dally'
in the doing.
I've got to 'hold' things in-there long enough
for the "biological mass" that embodies the
difference that NDT's understanding consti-
tutes becomes established.
It's a 'time' for Truth, not 'cutting-corners'
with respect to Truth for the sake of 'currying-
I understand that most folks won't get-it.
But it's a virtual Certainty that some folks
I'm working on behalf of those folks.
"Holding the line."
The rest I'll 'bat-down'.
ken [k. p. collins]