Formal Challenge

k p Collins kpaulc at [----------]earthlink.net
Sun Feb 8 04:24:57 EST 2004

"Peter F." <effectivespamblock at ozemail.com.au> wrote in message
news:yRjVb.893$J9.23289 at nnrp1.ozemail.com.au...
> Ken - please read and re-read what NMF is writing to you.
> I hope you will try to realize - in your 'less TD E/I-up' (more serene and
> balanced) moments - that ideation as massive and efficiently explanatorial
> as yours CAN ALSO WORK as a strongly addictive drug of dependance;
> And, that even the slightest hint of a threat that this your 'drug' might
> removed or rendered useless (almost as if someone offered you to swallow a
> cocktail made of opioid antagonists such as nalaxone) would tend to be
> blindly and automatically responded-to, by you, in a defensive (including
> angry, unreasonable, haughty, mulish, rejecting, or whatever other manner)
> way.
> Sincerely,
> P

Sit on it, Peter.

Your comments, quoted above are Libelous.

I don't want to hear-back from you until
you've come to terms with respect to
what I Mean.

And I stand on all I've posted.

I wouldn't've responded strongly, if I'd not've
done the Analysis, and found the Need.

I've worked, given myself for 33+ 'years'.

I Know that the work I've done has
Advanced the Science.

I Know that the work I've done has,
albeit, 'surepticiously' [through no
fault of my own] already begun to
form a 'bulwark' against Humanity's
head-long-rush toward its self-des-

I'm =not= 'worried' about what any-
one can say about the work I've done.

I've been trying to 'go before the inquis-
ition' for thirty years. I've no 'fear' of
anything that can transpire.

But no one will 'stand and fight'.

No one will even meet with me in-person.

Yet, the work I've done has been 'borrowed'
by Professionals =without= their ever
having given any Consideration to the
folks on whose behalves the work was

=That= is what I Protest.

And I can Prove everything.

Your 'comments' are Offensive-in-the-Extreme.

K. P. Collins

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