Formal Challenge

Peter F. effectivespamblock at ozemail.com.au
Sun Feb 8 00:32:13 EST 2004

Ken - please read and re-read what NMF is writing to you.

I hope you will try to realize - in your 'less TD E/I-up' (more serene and
balanced) moments - that ideation as massive and efficiently explanatorial
as yours CAN ALSO WORK as a strongly addictive drug of dependance;
And, that even the slightest hint of a threat that this your 'drug' might be
removed or rendered useless (almost as if someone offered you to swallow a
cocktail made of opioid antagonists such as nalaxone) would tend to be
blindly and automatically responded-to, by you, in a defensive (including
angry, unreasonable, haughty, mulish, rejecting, or whatever other manner)


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