"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
news:hmWUb.13344$jH6.11005 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net...
> Some of the collective TD E/I(up)
> is 'good', be-cause such enables
> 'keenness' with respect to getting-
> to-work.
By the above text you seem to be distinctly touching on what I sometimes
express as "eustressful AEVASIVE preoccupations". (One of which is my, to me
sometimes hilarious, "SEPTIC humour"; and another, of which, is you
formulating your largely eustressful thinking in terms of NDT, Tapered
Harmony, and so forth.
>> But, when I look-around, I don't
> see anyone willing to broach the
> topic of NDT's understanding.
I can see that some potentially finalizing realism is creeping into your
thinking! %-|
>> So, how can getting-to-work
> get-started?
Here, dear Ken, is a nothing but friendly suggestion:
Try getting to the bottom of your own, and *most important* individual
motivations. (If you do, you can look back at your own "love of Jesus" with
truely insightful affection and understanding -- and still retain all of the
theoretical worth/mass that you have achieved.)
With best wishes,