Formal Challenge

k p Collins kpaulc at [----------]earthlink.net
Fri Feb 6 14:29:07 EST 2004

"NMF" <neil.fournier at sympatico.ca> wrote in message
news:4OQUb.16513$bp1.715453 at news20.bellglobal.com...
> "Cluver-Bucy" syndrome, eh?

You left-out the "[sic]".

I wrote: "Cluver[sic]-Bucy Syndrome" [to
Acknowledge my Error].

> [...]

> If you want citations ask, don't make accusations."

With respect to not making "accusations", "Ho, ho, ho".

You came here, to b.n, with the sole 'purpose'
of 'accusing' me of not having done the work
that I claim to have done.

So what you say is Funny :-]

With respect to asking for citations, OK, cite a
non-trivial functional-neuroanatomy paper that
you want analyzed from NDT's persopective.

["Non-trivial" = an article that takes a definite
position, not one that has the purpose of delineating
this or that, without taking a theoretical position
with respect to what the article discusses. I'm not
asserting that the latter type of article has no value.
Of course it does, but one has to write volumes
with respect to it because it's left open-ended.]

Consult before you Choose, because I will
Analyze the article Forthrightly, and any
Consequences that result from my having to
post my Analysis Publicly derive in =your=
Choice. [I don't do such Analyses, Publicly,
be-cause I want not to 'blind-side' folks.]

It's the only way I can show you, or anyone else,
"the data" - even in-person, this'd be the first
thing I'd do - ask for Challenging studies. [I do this
to help folks 'see' what they know, and do not
know, =before= I give my Analysis - be-cause
I've a =lot= of experience with folks saying, =after=
I explain this or that that's never been explained
before [outside of NDT], that "it's been long-
known" :-]

I'll expect you to present your Challenging Article
within a week.

[Oh yeah, one more thing. I've got to be able to
find a copy of the article in the Library of my
Choosing. So please stick to "the standards" -
like =Nature Neuroscience=.]

K. P. Collins

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