That's an extremely pointless comment. I thought you had a lot more
integrity than that. Actually when I wrote the post, I used some of the
information that I had in notes that I wrote when I took a
neuropsychological and neurological assessment course about 6 years ago. I
believe they were taken probably from Principles in Neurological Assessment
(if you are interested).
One of my primary area of research involves investigating the histomorphic,
humoral, and behavioral consequences of brain injury (with specialization in
temporal lobe and limbic epilepsy). My training has been in clinical
neuroscience with a specialization in anatomy and physiology. I never
claimed to be an expert on Devic Disease, hence my comment that I am not all
that familiar with this disorder. I also have no clinical experience
treating patients affected by this specific kind of demyelination. However,
I have read many books on demyelination in MS and most of my knowledge stems
from the debate regarding the similarity and dissimilarity involving MS and
Devic Disease. I have done previous work investigating the
immunosuppressive role of limbic seizures on demyelination (in the EAE model
of MS). Get your facts straight next time you are going to question my
Secondly, I never claimed to come up with any of the concepts regarding
Kluver-Bucy syndrome. To do so would be extremely idiotic, especially in
light of the fact that my name is not Heinrich Kluver or Paul Bucy. Read
some of the original works before you ignorantly post a message.
"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]> wrote in message
news:SpFUb.12079$jH6.3002 at
> "NMF" <neil.fournier at> wrote in message
> news:XgEUb.15434$bp1.650571 at> > Dear Karla,
> >
> > I am not all that familiar with this disorder but I'll tell you what I
> > know.
> > [...]
>> It's 'hilarious'. You do an internet search,
> rip-off the work of others, and 'pose' as
> if it's 'yours' - same as you did with "Kluver-
> Bucy Syndrome".
>> 'go away'!
>> K. P. Collins
"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]> wrote in message
news:SpFUb.12079$jH6.3002 at
> "NMF" <neil.fournier at> wrote in message
> news:XgEUb.15434$bp1.650571 at> > Dear Karla,
> >
> > I am not all that familiar with this disorder but I'll tell you what I
> > know.
> > [...]
>> It's 'hilarious'. You do an internet search,
> rip-off the work of others, and 'pose' as
> if it's 'yours' - same as you did with "Kluver-
> Bucy Syndrome".
>> 'go away'!
>> K. P. Collins