Unstable->Stable Equilibrium Transitions

k p Collins kpaulc at [----------]earthlink.net
Thu Feb 5 03:37:49 EST 2004

Hi Neil.

"NMF" <neil.fournier at sympatico.ca> wrote in message
news:2lmUb.5153$ZN1.486985 at news20.bellglobal.com...
> > Like a lot of other stuff in NDT, this
> > 'unstable equilibrium' is "special" - be-
> > cause, as one gains experience with
> > respect to that which is relatively-'un-
> > familiar', the 'instability' 'disappers',
> > being replaced by stability - as that
> > which was 'unfamiliar' becomes 'fam-
> > iliar' - as the TD E/I-minimization
> > mechanisms transform TD E/I(up)
> > into TD E/I(down).
> Could you explain precisely - either
> mathematically or by considering actual
> neuronal physiology- how this process
> that you suggest (change from unstable
> to stable equilibra) would occur in the
> nervous system?

It's what I've been discussing all along -
"TD E/I-minimization".

There are =many= examples of such
dynamics. Every protein-folding instance
is a transition through instability to
stability, for instance [do a Groups
Google[tm] on:


caveat: I haven't tried this search, myself.]

It's late, and I need to sleep.

I'll work-up a simplified description of
a 'generic' case tomorrow.

The dynamics are =really= common place.

Basically, it's what "Life" is.

ken [k. p. collins]

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