"k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
news:7okUb.11142$GO6.5626 at newsread3.news.atl.earthlink.net...
> "k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
> news:TgPTb.7657$jH6.4726 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net...> > "k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
> > news:IzFTb.7200$jH6.3651 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net...> > > "k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
> > > news:ZIATb.6842$jH6.6713 at newsread1.news.atl.earthlink.net...> > > > [...]
> > > [...]
> > [...]
> [...]
Don't respond, especially to this post.
It asks a "loaded question", in a way
that's inherently unfair. But, although
I'll leave folks to consider it on their
own terms, it needs to be 'asked'.
What is 'wrong' with expecting folks
to discuss earth-shaking True-Wonder
stuff in-person?
What is 'right' about just sending it out
Get it?
I'm =not= some 'pompous ass'.
I'm not a 'self-seeking-twit'.
I'm =just= doing what fell to me to =DO=,
in the only way that it can, in fact, be
It's 'curious' to me that, after all that I've
shared with folks, no one wants to meet
to Do-Science.
Should I be 'oblivious' to that curious
NDT's understanding is as Serious as
Science gets.
And no one else will address its stuff
I =WANT= to address folks' 'fears'.
I =WANT= to 'move toward' Truth.
So that =everything= that Needs to be
addressed can, in fact, be Addressed.
=WITHOUT= any half-baked 'excuse'-
=WITHOUT= any 'cover-ups'.
=WITHOUT= any 'moving away from'
I =WANT= to go before the 'inquisition'.
The Survival of Humanity is at-stake.
And everyone's 'burying their heads in the
And folks 'wonder' why Savagery persists?
I =WANT= to go before the 'inquisition'.
I ask for =NO= 'quarter'.
Nor will I give any.
But my Purpose is with respect to "Abstract
Ignorance" [the absence-of-understanding
with respect to the manner in which nervous
systems process information via 'blindly'-
automated TD E/I-minimization within nervous
systems which, nevertheless, do process
information via 'blindly'-automated TD E/I-
My Purpose, with respect to People, is to
Rescue them from 'the beast', "Abstract
My Purpose is to send 'the beast', "Abstract
Ignorance", to Hell where it belongs.
There's no one on the face of the planet who
will meet with me to do Science?
Gees, 'louise'!
How does anyone 'think' anything Good
can come to Humanity if folks are 'afraid'
to even talk about it?
Is that it?
Folks believe in 'magic'?
Folks 'think' that, if they do nothing, Good
will come to Humanity?
Where are all the folks who like to 'crow'
about "taking action"?
I =NEED= to stand before 'you'.
I =NEED= to Satisfy 'your' 'concerns'.
I =NEED= to Address 'your' 'fears'.
I =NEED= 'you' to =THINK=.
I =NEED= 'you' to =ACT=.
And so do the Children.
So does the Future.
And everyone is 'frozen'?
Like some inanimate stuff?
Waiting for 'magic' to happen?
All the 'magic' is right between 'your' ears.
Let us come-together to Lear how to
K. P. Collins