Question about the cost to Collin's to put AoK on a website

k p Collins kpaulc at [----------]earthlink.net
Tue Feb 3 11:02:30 EST 2004

I stand on what I've posted.

The dynamics of the "unstable
equilibrium" stand Verified.

Folks 'bother' - as if their 'lives'
depend upon it.

It's all 'just' 'blindly'-automated
TD E/I-minimization, left uncom-

The 'path' that leads Humanity
out of the self-Ravaging, inherent'
consists of, SImply, doing that
which makes the 'new' stuff

Be-cause it's correlated to TD E/I(up),
'movement' upon that 'path' is, itself,

But, as it is, in fact, traversed, the
'path' comes to be ever-more worn-
in [ever-more TD E/I-minimized].

Which exposes the actual reason
that doing a web site will achieve

And why I Choose to continue
here in bionet.neuroscience.

I'll 'broaden-the-path' by 'walking'
upon it, repeatedly.

It's important that this be accom-
plished here in b.n be-cause it's in
the nervous systems of the folks
who've been reading all along here
in b.n [whoever they are] that the
'path' is coming to have its Exist-

It's my Purpose to continue to
'broaden the path' so that others
can, then, 'walk'-safely upon it.

ken [K. P. Collins]

"BilZ0r" <BilZ0r at TAKETHISOUThotmail.com> wrote in message
news:Xns9484C4AA7B953BilZ0rhotmailcom at
> Don't flatter yourself Ken. No one will
> bother haking a large webhosting firm
> just to effect you data.
> "k p  Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in news:TuvTb.7328
> $GO6.6392 at newsread3.news.atl.earthlink.net:

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