"FDA Links Antidepressants, Youth Suicide Risk
By Shankar Vedantam
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, February 3, 2004; Page A01"
Quoting from the =Washington Post= Article:
"Increasingly, however, American doctors
have come to rely on drugs. Officials
said yesterday that 2.1 million prescrip-
tions for antidepressants were written
for children in 2002."
Why not 'innoculate' Children with under-
standing with respect to "rendering useless",
and the way that the mechanism of so-
called "depression" is 'engineered'-in to
'quiet' their behavior while they're back-
ing-out of learning cul de sacs?
You know - instead of leaving them
vulnerable to the 'blindly'-automated
'ridicule' that's the common place re-
action to the fact that behavior does
become 'quieted' while learning cul
de sacs are being backed-out-of?
This stuff is discussed in AoK, Ap8,
but everything in AoK is necessary
for full comprehension.
K. P. Collins