"mat" <mats_trash at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:43525ce3.0402021103.34033c12 at posting.google.com...
> [...]
> However, if you don't do it yourself
> it really smacks of not actually wanting
> people to understand what you say.
> [...]
It's my Analysis that all of this 'give-
Ken-web-space stuff is a red-herring.
Here's why:
I've travelled the country, looking for
someone who'd listen.
I've sent out hundreds of mailings,
placed hundreds of calls.
I've submitted 18 papers.
I've gone to ~10 conferences, looking
for someone who'd listen.
I've distributed hundreds of copies of
AoK, giving folks permission to share
it for non-commercial purposes.
I've worked, pretty-much 24x7, for
going on 33 'years', 'pausing' only
when I just could not continue.
If I allowed myself $30/'hr', which is
less than half of what I was earning
as a Programmer, it'd come to close
to $10,000,000 just in the 'hours' I've
given to doing the work.
I've been Arrested 9 times, each
time, for having thrown myself against
'the wall'.
I've been Imprisoned twice, both
times, with Perjury being committed
against my Person.
I've been Institutionalized once - be-
cause an Elderly health care worker
said, "You really shouldn't be doing
this." Her statement overruled my First
Amendment Rights - even after I'd
cleared my hunger strike with the
appropriate Authorities.
I spent close to three weeks in
November, 24x7, in a Public Square,
'demonstrating' on behalf of NDT's
I stopped counting the break-ins at
My PCs have been under constant
attack for most of the past decade.
My phones have been 'monitored',
and my mail 'diverted'.
I've gone. dozens of times, in-person
to address folks in Government with
respect to NDT's stuff.
When last I went to Washington,
D. C., I was =harassed= and followed
as I walked through the Congressional
I've posted earth-shaking, True-Wonder
stuff here in bionet.neuroscience - stuff
that rewrites =all= of Science. All of
this stuff is available to anyone who
wants to do a Groups Google[tm]
on "kpaulc".
I've had to watch my Mother Die,
while being 'unable' to convey to
her what I'd done with what she gave
My Father Died while I was Imprisoned
for asking folks to hear of NDT and TH.
I could not keep my Promise to him that,
we'd see his 100th Birthday, together.
My Children will never be born because
I gave everything I had to doing what
needed to be done.
I've given most of what I've ever earned
to doing NDT & TH.
I'm, 'now', giving my Inheritance.
So, you'll understand, 'Mat', when I
reject the 'color' you choose to apply
to my efforts?
"I don't believe that no one wants to
hear." [Kris Kristofferson, "Beat the
K. P. Collins