NIH-funded Postdoc Position, Neuroscience and Cell Biology

Li, Hong-Sheng Hong-Sheng.Li at umassmed.edu
Mon Feb 2 18:03:26 EST 2004

Postdoctoral Position 
University of Massachusetts Medical School

An NIH-funded postdoctoral position is currently open for enthusiastic young scientists, for the study of new neuronal signaling pathways that involve GPCR and Ca2+ ions.  

We initiate our projects with a genetic assay system, the fly photoreceptor cells, and finalize them in mammalian neurons. A variety of molecular and cell biological, biochemical and electrophysiological approaches are employed for the study.  Examples of molecules under study are the GPCR-operated TRP Ca2+ channels and a brand-new neuronal transcription factor that is directly regulated by Ca2+/Calmodulin.  In addition, we have newly identified several endocytosis-related genes that are implicated in the regulation of fly TRP channels.  Each of these projects has the potential to be developed into a direction for a whole lab.  More information on our researches can be found at the website: http://www.umassmed.edu/neurobiology/faculty/li_hs.cfm.

Applicants are expected to have strong experience in molecular and cell biology, neuroscience or fly genetics.  Please send CV and contact information of three references to Hong-Sheng.Li at umassmed.edu, or by mail to: Hong-Sheng Li, Ph.D., Department of Neurobiology, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA 01605 U.S.A. 

Hong-Sheng Li, Ph.D.
Univ. Mass. Medical School
Dept. of Neurobiology, LRB 722
364 Plantation Street
Worcester, MA 01605
Tel: (508) 856-6702
Fax: (508) 856-6070 

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