Question about the cost to Collin's to put AoK on a website

k p Collins kpaulc at [----------]earthlink.net
Mon Feb 2 12:09:07 EST 2004

Hi Peter,

There's stuff I've not discussed that makes
me want to seek in-person interaction.

'weird' stuff that, although it's 'strange', has
happened =routinely= in my offline exper-
ience - like a broken record.

I understand that 'weirdness' 'pops-into'
everyones Lives - sporadically.

But, in my Life, it's been a =constant=

So, I need to see with my own eyes that
what's happening is, in fact, what's happen-

It's easy for me, 'now', because, if my dis-
cussions here in b.n have communicated
NDT's & TH's positions, then that's suf-
ficient. It doesn't matter to me if anyone
knows who I actually am. It matters only
that I did what fell to me to do.

But, if what I've done, here in b.n, is not
sufficient, then that means that doing any-
thing online is insufficient, so I have to
wait until some folks will meet with me,

Web sites get hacked, and I can't afford
a broadband connection, so it'd not be
possible for me to adequately maintain
a web site.

So, you know, Peter, I'm just Guarding
Free Will - all around. I can neither 'force-
it', nor 'jump-through-hoops' solely 'for-
effect'. And, besides, I'm already a
'walking dead man'. That's just the way
it goes. It was obvious to me, since the
earliest 'days' of my working to develop
NDT, that it could go as it has gone. I've
always hoped that it'd go otherwise, but
one can't allow the way things have been
to dictate what one will do.

What it comes down to is that there's
been so much 'weirdness' that I want
to dispense with electronic intermediates
and do what needs to be done, in-person.

You know - face-mail.

You know - what Humans do - talk to
one another.

TODAY/PC  V1.0 (c) 1986 by Patrick Kincaid:

1880-02-02 The "SS Strathleven arrives
in London with 1st successful shipment
of frozen mutton from Australia."

Cheers, Peter, ken [k. p. collins]

"Peter F." <effectivespamblock at ozemail.com.au> wrote in message
news:u%nTb.214$TH3.5481 at nnrp1.ozemail.com.au...
> Am I wrong to believe there still exist free
> homepage hosting services on the Internet
> that provide ample room for something that
> has storage requirements *as small* as AoK?
> P
> "k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in message
> news:mOlTb.7036$GO6.5091 at newsread3.news.atl.earthlink.net...
> > There is no URL.
> >
> > I've refrained from constructing a web site
> > because I cannot afford to sustain a web
> > site [and, judging from what's happened
> > to my internet PCs, expect that, even if
> > I tried to create one, it'd be to no avail].

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