Spinal injury repair Idea

k p Collins kpaulc at [----------]earthlink.net
Sun Feb 1 16:04:14 EST 2004

The biggest part of the problem is that
the cell body contains the cellular 'equiv-
lent' of heart, lungs and gut - so the dis-
tal portions [beyond the severing] are
left, largely, metabolically-disconnected,
not just communicatively-disconnected.

There must be some means of 'artificial
respiration' for the distal parts.

Before they can be urged to grow
back to the cell-body-proximal parts,
the distal parts have to be metabolically-
sustained, which necessarily includes
bringing to them, not all, but a =lot= of
the stuff that would've 'normally' come to
them via axoplasmic flow from the cell

This 'artificial respiration' of the severed
distal parts is the Hard thing to accomplish.

I think it'd be 'easier' to get the cell-body-
proximal portions to grow to 'replicate' the
distribution of the severed portions than to
develop the means to sustain the severed
portions and coax them to rejoin.

It's a Hard problem because the develop-
mental environment has long ago transitioned
away from a developmental purpose to the
demands of Adult functionality.

The useful method will have to re-establish
the developmental environment.

I expect this will, eventually, be accomplished,
and that it will entail an inducement of some
sort of whole-body 'vegetative state'.

Just my 'intuition' - the way the problem
looks to me.

ken [k. p. collins]

"Pylon" <s.ivy at espywireless.com> wrote in message
news:101lom9jrqis6fb at corp.supernews.com...
> [...]

> A fall causes total paralysis to the lower
> extremities.

> [...]

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