Pre-emptive Strike

k p Collins kpaulc at [----------]earthlink.net
Sun Feb 1 15:41:05 EST 2004

"BilZ0r" <BilZ0r at TAKETHISOUThotmail.com> wrote in message
news:Xns948183AB2CD2CBilZ0rhotmailcom at
> ...though Ken, you still use too many 'quote'
> marks and =emphasis= lines and my personal
> favorite, references to things most haven't and
> can't see [AoK, Ap8].

BTW, "=[...]=" is just my version of

Or are you talking about the fact that
AoK remains not-Formally-Published?

I do presume that anyone who wants
to read AoK can, in fact, do so.

It's 'published' - just not in the usual

And it's sufficiently well-written, and
everything in-it sufficiently-substantiated
in the replicable experimental results.

"Tapered Harmony"?

Anyone can see that it stands Verified
by just doing the "lawnmower experiment".

It's TH that Clinches everything.

But, BilZ0r, what can one do, after asking
to be allowed to present a Gift of under-
standing, but not being permitted to do so?

It's a 'funny' thing about understanding - it
happens within individual nervous systems,
and =cannot= be 'forced' - no matter how
much one can see that understanding is of

Both NDT & TH are earth-shaking in their
collective value.

But all that they are pales in significance of
the Loss to Humanity that occurred ~2000
years ago.

There is the one thing in-common - folks'

ken [k. p. collins]

> "k p  Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]earthlink.net> wrote in news:Y7uSb.3054
> $GO6.640 at newsread3.news.atl.earthlink.net:

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