Gees! It's already February!
"BilZ0r" <BilZ0r at> wrote in message
news:Xns948183AB2CD2CBilZ0rhotmailcom at
> ...though Ken, you still use too many 'quote'
> marks and =emphasis= lines and my personal
> favorite, references to things most haven't and
> can't see [AoK, Ap8].
It's not that folks "can't see". It;s just that folks're
'two-busy' to see.
It's 'funny'. I long-ago realized that, and decided
to drop-everything and do the work inherent in
seeing - so I could, then, present what I'd see to
folks who were 'two-busy' to see.
But it's gone pretty-badly, because folks're 'afraid'
of anyone who can see stuff that they "can't" see.
This's the circumstance of the talking-to-unseen-
example that's given at the end of AoK's "Short
Paper" section. This example was included at the
climax of the Short Paper's discussion because I'd
already experienced more than a decade of folks'
'fears' with respect to what's reified in NDT.
There are two general categories of such 'fear'.
1. Geaneralized 'blind'-automation, in which it's
evoked as 'pure' absence-of-understanding that,
nevertheless, 'recognizes' that, in that which is
'feared', something True is inherent.
2. A more-sinister 'fear' - kind of like that of the
"low men" in S. King's =Hearts in Atlantis=.
Most of what's in my 'style' is there on behalf of
both groups' 'fears' - to give the 1st group 'time'
during which understanding can grow, and to
exploit the 2nd group's 'innate fear' of 'codes' -
through which I am also able to bolster my own
Spirit, a bit :-]
Because it's not easy to witness one's own
Anyway, it's becoming more difficult for me to
continue because the concepts remaining to be
discussed all build upon the stuff that's already
been discussed, and, since no one's fully grasped
what's already been discussed, no one can go-
forward into what remains to be discussed.
So, it's lose-all-around - only, I long-ago
absorbed my own Losses.
The 1st group will be held in a 'state' of absence-
of-understanding by the 2nd group, and nobody
will get the rest of the understanding - it'll Die-
I've been aware of this possibility since the early
'years' of working to bring NDT's stuff forward,
but, now that it's upon us, it takes my breath away
> "k p Collins" <kpaulc@[----------]> wrote in news:Y7uSb.3054
> $GO6.640 at