"kenneth collins" <kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net> wrote in message
news:8IhBd.1198634$Gx4.1074504 at bgtnsc04-news.ops.worldnet.att.net...
| [...]
| And, if you look, you'll see that Mr.
| Lincoln's Capacities derived in the Ed-
| ucation he acquired by, simply, "ranging
| widely" after completing the 3rd grade
| of Elementary School.
| [...]
I don't know if Mr. Lincoln made it
through "grade" three.
He said, ~"What little education I've
had, after learning to cipher to rule 3,
I gained under the pressure of necessity."
I Erred in 'remembering' "rule 3" as
"grade 3".
Anyway, when he referred to "the
pressure of necessity", Mr. Lincoln
was intuitively discussing the "volitional
diminishing-returns decision" threshold,
and all that goes into choosing where
to "set it".
Can you see it?
k. p. collins