I have a question

Michael Olea oleaj at sbcglobal.net
Fri Dec 31 13:36:07 EST 2004

in article GggBd.1198218$Gx4.689166 at bgtnsc04-news.ops.worldnet.att.net,
kenneth collins at kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net wrote on 12/31/04 9:47

> "Michael Olea" <oleaj at sbcglobal.net> wrote in message
> news:BDF9ECB3.E520%oleaj at sbcglobal.net...
> | in article 41d3e42a at dnews.tpgi.com.au, John Hasenkam at johnh at faraway. wrote
> | on 12/30/04 3:17 AM:
> |
> | > Shit I am getting stupid, while posting the other I didn't notice I was
> | > downloading the article at:
> | >
> | > http://www.iiasa.ac.at/Publications/Documents/WP-96-027.pdf
> |
> | I took a quick look - 80 page paper - I'll have to put it on my stack for
> | now.
> I gave it a quick look, too. It's an elaborate-'nothing'.
> The 'paper' struck me as a hoax.
> One cannot do 'chemical calculus' and/or describe
> "self-organization", without establishing a rigorous
> coordinate system in which it happens, and which
> rigorously-couples to the rest of physical reality.
> In NDT, that's the "special topological homeo-
> morphism ["STH", and it orders =everything= "
> all the way down", and "all the way up", with re-
> spect to external experiential physical reality [that
> 'portion' of physical reality that actually impinges-
> upon all that's ordered by, and within, the STH.
> | Still plowing through papers from that discussion on CAP (I took time
> | out to reread Shannon's "The Mathematical Theory of Communication" so I
> | would be in a better position to understand the relationship of
> | hyperspheres, ribosomes, and the capacity of molecular mahines - information
> | theory of binding sites, that sort of thing).
> "Groan."
> I tried to find this discussion in CAP. Do you
> have a thread title? Or is it archived?
> k. p. collins

The thread was "Darwin, Evolution, the Animal Kingdom, and Man". John
pointed to work on heat shock proteins and genomic variation, and later to
the role of tandem repeats in "rapid" evolution.

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