Necessary CORRECTION, below.
"kenneth collins" <kenneth.p.collins at> wrote in message
news:oTYAd.49071$uM5.29784 at
| [...]
| What happened was that nobody
| actually understood what Jesus Taught,
| [...]
The above is Not-True.
The Saints, Heroically-Understood
what Jesus Taught.
As he was being roasted on a grid-iron,
Lawrence to his executioners: "Turn me
over. That side is done."
"Romanus", a Roman Citizen whose
actual Name remains unknown, who
was so moved at his witnessing Law-
rence's Belief that he confessed his
own Belief on the spot, and was put
to death for having done so.
Marcellus, a Roman Centurian, put
to death for his Faith.
Cassian, the Stenographer at Marcel-
lus' trial, who was so moved by Mar-
cellus' Faith that he confessed his Be-
lief, and was put to death for having
done so.
There are thousands of folks who
understood what Jesus Taught, and
'moved toward' it.
And, in our own 'time', we've had Mother
Teresa, doing the same.
We know what Jesus Taught be-
cause these folks carried-it-forward
to us, holding it Heroically in their
'hearts', instead of 'blindly'-automated
TD E/I-minimization.
So I Erred, rather Profoundly, in
what's quoted above from my prior
Seems I'll never stop "going-first" in
this 'way'.
"Went-first" in the "typo-fix" that I
posted a few 'minutes' ago, even
though I 'thought' I was, 'supposedly',
"trying not to" :-]
Teach me, more, Lord.
k. p. collins