Thanks Michael, though I do believe there is a specific name for the
Recalling an earlier converstion on cap, a few days later I picked up an old
text to read on the train and came across something that touches directly on
the idea of developing new ways of understanding molecular biology dynamics.
Memory refresh: I posted about hsp90 and genomic variation via activation of
silent genes.
The text I read had a very interesting article on organic chemistry wherein
the authors stated how they were trying to develop a new model.
Boundaries and Barriers: On the Limits of Scientific Knowledge. Eds. John
Casti & Anders Karlqvist.
Addison-Wesley Publishing.
The relevant article is:
The Barrier of Objects: From Dynamical Systems to Bounded Organizations.
Walter Fontana and Leo W. Buss
"Michael Olea" <oleaj at> wrote in message
news:BDF8B7C2.E471%oleaj at
> in article 41d36b5a at, John Hasenkam at johnh at faraway.wrote
> on 12/29/04 5:59 PM:
>> > There is a very rare condition when a person can no longer perceive
> > movement, only see a series of still shots. Don't know the name of the
> > condition, probably related to damage to the visual - parietal areas
> > (ventral stream?).
>> Ramachandran, in "Phantoms in the Brain" refers to it simply as "motion
> blindness". He discusses the case of a Swiss woman who had bilateral
> to MT.
>> >
> >
> > <behdadm at> wrote in message
> > news:1104189924.193906.161060 at> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I think you are wrong.
> >>
> >> "Handbook of Perception and Human Performance" page 16-8:
> >>
> >> "It is sometimes mistakenly claimed that the peripheral retina is more
> >> sensitive to motion than the fovea. In fact the threshold of motion
> >> increases steadily with eccentricity"
> >>
> >> Although the rods are more sensitive to motion than cones, there are
> >> many other factors that can influence the motion sensitivity of fovea
> >> and other parts of field of view. For example, each receptor is
> >> connected to one ganglion cell in the fovea, but at the periphery 25
> >> receptors are connected to 1 ganglion.
> >>
> >> What is your reference?
> >> Sorry but I didn't understand the meaning of "AoK, Ap6".
> >>
> >> Thanks
> >>
> >
> >