About the newsgroup attack [was: It's 'hilarious']

kenneth collins kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Wed Dec 29 10:51:07 EST 2004

"r norman" <rsn_ at _comcast.net> wrote in message news:un95t0tf5r2v6an7umraglm2khni8tfv85 at 4ax.com...
| [...]

| There was some talk about it on talk.origins and sci.bio.evolution was
| hard hit, all on Christmas day.  I seem to recall reading the
| cannibalism posts in other groups, but I don't see the messages just
| offhand.  Generally the best thing to do with obvious spam  is to just
| ignore it.  Usually it is generated by a program (or script) that
| travels through news groups and creating messages that look like they
| were generated by previous posters to the group.  Sometimes, the most
| common poster is taken as the scapegoat, that being you in this group.
| Your name and email address are easily copied out of the message
| headers you post.  I can even tell that you use Microsoft Outlook
| Express version 6.00.2900.2180 to write your messages.  You seem to be
| connected to the internet through dial-up access to att.net in
| Hartford. All this is "public information' from gathered from the
| post.  All a spammer has to do is to generate messages with phony
| headers, substituting your personal information for the proper stuff.

It's why it's all blockable in real-'time' -- because it's
method is so simple. A real poster could not spew
real msgs at the automated rate, so, as soon as that
rate is exceeded, the rest is blockable, in real-'time'.

It's even easier if the msg-ID is also tracked. Straight-
forward "queue" stuff that's very-fast.

=Thank You= for your further discussion, Dr. Norman.

So far, I'm still 'interested' in what's actually going-
on. I [Sorrowfully] expect that this one's going to
end up with someone being Prosecuted [not by me -- 
I don't "Prosecute" -- I just work to understand
the energydynamics wherever they impinge upon
my Being [he says, "melodramatically" :-] I'm 'tired'.]

Cheers, ken [k. p. collins] 

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