CORRECTION -- Shakespear Paraphrase

kenneth collins kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Wed Dec 29 10:26:40 EST 2004


"kenneth collins" <kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net> wrote in message 
news:NsaAd.1177592$Gx4.1093650 at bgtnsc04-news.ops.worldnet.att.net...
| In a prior post that's, apparently,
| scrolled off the 'bionet.neuroscience'
| NG that I see on the server to which
| I 'connect',
| [...]

I've found the original -- still on the
board, here in b.n.

I Apologize for having Erroneously
"jumped" to the False "finitization"
[AoK, Ap4] that's quoted above.

And, BTW, I'd wanted to "invert"
the paraphrase since =immediately=
after I originally posted it. Doing so
'just' got-pushed-into-the-back-
ground be-cause of it's correlated
TD E/I relative to the TD E/I cor-
related with other stuff. [See the
discussion of "prioritization" in AoK,
Ap7 for further discussion [which
also needs everything that's discuss-
ed in Ap5].

K. P. Collins 

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