About the newsgroup attack [was: It's 'hilarious']

r norman rsn_ at _comcast.net
Wed Dec 29 08:10:24 EST 2004

On Wed, 29 Dec 2004 08:06:56 GMT, "kenneth collins"
<kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net> wrote:

>"r norman" <rsn_ at _comcast.net> wrote in message news:sro2t0h694g9laf858vrghmsakobbe0c1t at 4ax.com...
>| On Tue, 28 Dec 2004 10:35:09 GMT, "kenneth collins"
>| <kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net> wrote:
>| >"kenneth collins" <kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net> wrote in message
>| >news:Yx9Ad.40538$uM5.17117 at bgtnsc05-news.ops.worldnet.att.net...
>| >| It's 'hilarious' -- someone =really=
>| >| wants to 'trash' bionet.neuroscience.
>| >|
>| >| Such an Immense-Sorrow!
>| >
>| >Observations:
>| >
>| >There's probably a correlation
>| >between the onset of this recent
>| >attack and my having ...
>| <snip>
>| There is no correlation between this attack and anything any of us
>| have said or done.  It is a massive attach on a very large number of
>| news group, all with the same type of content.
>| One general opinion is that it is an attack on specific sites because
>| the header line on where to report abuse all point to one location.
>| This batch has it at abuse at doit.wisc.edu.  That way, all complaints
>| about abuse converge on that victim.
>Hi Dr. Norman, is there a 'place'
>where this attack is being studied
>and discussed?
>Was it happening before this past

>But I'd like to know when it began,
>with means to explore that 'begin-
>Is there a list of impacted news-
>ken [K. P. Collins] 

There was some talk about it on talk.origins and sci.bio.evolution was
hard hit, all on Christmas day.  I seem to recall reading the
cannibalism posts in other groups, but I don't see the messages just
offhand.  Generally the best thing to do with obvious spam  is to just
ignore it.  Usually it is generated by a program (or script) that
travels through news groups and creating messages that look like they
were generated by previous posters to the group.  Sometimes, the most
common poster is taken as the scapegoat, that being you in this group.
Your name and email address are easily copied out of the message
headers you post.  I can even tell that you use Microsoft Outlook
Express version 6.00.2900.2180 to write your messages.  You seem to be
connected to the internet through dial-up access to att.net in
Hartford. All this is "public information' from gathered from the
post.  All a spammer has to do is to generate messages with phony
headers, substituting your personal information for the proper stuff.

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