I have a question

kenneth collins kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Wed Dec 29 03:06:57 EST 2004

"Rap" <rapport at matri.mn.nl> wrote in message news:8004t0hb6q78d49hcns45krk6s554crl99 at 4ax.com...
| "kenneth collins" <kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net> wrote:
| >I stand on what I posted.
| Indeed you do, and please clean off your shoes before you come in.
| [...]

I usually just take them off :-]

But I was refering to "standing"
in the light of, "Be sure your
feet are in the right place, then
stand firm." [Abraham Lincoln]

I am. I do.

k. p. collins 

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