religion and the brain

hillscap at pacbell.net hillscap at pacbell.net
Tue Dec 28 06:45:33 EST 2004

pot pies, beef stew, leg of lamb, stuffed chicken, roast pork spiral ham, 
Cranberry pineapple salad, sweet potatoes in butter, vegetable platter, tossed salad with tomato and avocado, parsley new potatoes, spinich cucumber salad, fruit salad
Bran muffins, dinner rolls, soft breadsticks, rice pilaf, croissants
Apple cake with rum sauce, frosted banana nut bread sherbet, home made brownies
Iced tea, water, beer, bloody marys, lemonade, coffee

The guests select food, beverages, silverware... everything from the buffet table. 
They move to wherever they are comfortable, and sit with whoever they choose. 
Provide trays so your guests will not spill everything all over your house from 
carrying too much, nor will they have to make 10 trips back and fourth from the 
service stations.

Roast Leg of Amputee

By all means, substitute lamb or a good beef roast if the haunch 
it is in any way diseased. But sometimes surgeons make mistakes, 
and if a healthy young limb is at hand, then don?t hesitate to cook 
it to perfection!

1 high quality limb, rack, or roast
Potatoes, carrot
green onions
salt, pepper, etc
2 cups beef stock

Marinate meat (optional, not necessary with better cuts). 
Season liberally and lace with garlic cloves by making incisions, 
   and placing whole cloves dee

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