religion and the brain

hillscap at pacbell.net hillscap at pacbell.net
Tue Dec 28 04:35:50 EST 2004

reaches 160°.

Cajun Babies

Just like crabs or crawfish, babies are boiled alive! 
You don?t need silverware, the hot spicy meat comes off in your hands.

6 live babies
1 lb. smoked sausage
4 lemons
whole garlic
2 lb. new potatoes
4 ears corn
1 box salt 
crab boil

Bring 3 gallons of water to a boil. 
Add sausage, salt, crab boil, lemons and garlic. 
Drop potatoes in, boil for 4 minutes. 
Corn is added next, boil an additional 11 minutes.
Put the live babies into the boiling water and cover. 
Boil till meat comes off easily with a fork.

Oven-Baked Baby-Back Ribs

Beef ribs or pork ribs can be used in this recipe, 
and that is exactly what your dinner guests will assume! 
An excellent way to expose the uninitiated to this highly misunderstood 
yet succulent source of protein. 

2 human baby rib racks
3 cups barbecue sauce or honey glaze (see index)
black pepper
white pepper 

Remove the silverskin by loosening from the edges, 
   then stripping off. 
Season generously, rubbin

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