Longley's Enlightened Empire (Re: Enlightened Empiricism, Extensionalism and the Control of Operant Behavior)

hillscap at pacbell.net hillscap at pacbell.net
Tue Dec 28 05:25:50 EST 2004

Smother slowly for at least 2 hours, adding small amounts of water 
   when it starts to stick. 
Stir frequently. 
When ready - serve with rice, grilled smoked sausage, green salad, and iced tea. 
Coffee and apple pie then brandy.

Maternity Ward Pot Luck Dinner

If you can?t get anything fresh from the hospital, nursery, or morgue; 
you can at least get rid of all the leftovers in your refrigerator.

1 - 2 lbs. cubed meat (human flesh, chicken, turkey, beef...)
1 -2 lbs. coarsely chopped vegetables 
   (carrots, potatoes, turnips, cauliflower, cabbage...) 
Bell pepper
salt pepper, etc.  
Olive oil

Brown the meat and some chopped onions, peppers, and garilic in olive oil, 
   place in baking dish, layer with vegetables seasoning and butter. 
Bake at 325° for 30 - 45 minutes. 
Serve with hot dinner rolls, fruit salad and sparkling water. 

Bébé Buffet 1

Show off with whole roasted children replete with apples in mouths - 
and babies? heads stuffed with wild rice. Or keep it simple with a 
hearty main course such as stew, lasagna, or meat loaf. 

Some suggestions

Pre-mie pot pies, beef stew,

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