"kenneth collins" <kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net> wrote in message
news:Yx9Ad.40538$uM5.17117 at bgtnsc05-news.ops.worldnet.att.net...
| It's 'hilarious' -- someone =really=
| wants to 'trash' bionet.neuroscience.
|| Such an Immense-Sorrow!
There's probably a correlation
between the onset of this recent
attack and my having 'lamented',
earlier in =my= 'day', with respect
to the rapidity with which things
scroll off of 'b.n' [the 'b.n' that
I see on the server to which I
That gives the appearance that
the Person doing this attack stuff
is an avid reader in 'b.n'.
Not necessarily an avid poster,
but one who's Intent on being
'here' in 'b.n'.
Which makes it 'interesting'.
Anyway, put on your "Thinking
caps" because there's a lot of
stuff in these dynamics that is
worth Studying with respect to
k. p. collins