I stand on what I posted.
k. p. collins
<behdadm at gmail.com> wrote in message news:1104189924.193906.161060 at z14g2000cwz.googlegroups.com...
| Hi,
|| I think you are wrong.
|| "Handbook of Perception and Human Performance" page 16-8:
|| "It is sometimes mistakenly claimed that the peripheral retina is more
| sensitive to motion than the fovea. In fact the threshold of motion
| increases steadily with eccentricity"
|| Although the rods are more sensitive to motion than cones, there are
| many other factors that can influence the motion sensitivity of fovea
| and other parts of field of view. For example, each receptor is
| connected to one ganglion cell in the fovea, but at the periphery 25
| receptors are connected to 1 ganglion.
|| What is your reference?
| Sorry but I didn't understand the meaning of "AoK, Ap6".
|| Thanks