Myographic-Array Diagnosis [MAD]

kenneth collins kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Tue Dec 28 03:56:25 EST 2004

Well, I'm into my 30th 'hour' in this
'day', and it'll be a while before sleep
'calls-me' -- some 'times' one just
gets-hot, and one has to go with the
flow in-there. What did it was a couple
of shows on PBS -- "Woodrow Wilson"
and "Rachel and Andrew Jackson". I
extended my 'day' to watch them, but
fell asleep in my chair. 'now' I'm semi-
wide-awake ["semi-" because my
sleep cycle is all screwed-up].

So, knowing that I'll need some deep-
recovery, seems I should post a msg
explaining that, and, while I'm doing
that, I'll reiterate what's in "Myographic-
Array Diagnosis" [for folks who didn't
catch the =long= -former discussions
of "MAD". [Forgive me, please, if my
discussion will not be all that it should
be. I'm 'tired'.]

"kenneth collins" <kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net> wrote in message 
news:lcZud.1079940$Gx4.344948 at bgtnsc04-news.ops.worldnet.att.net...
| [...]
| And while an Experi-
| menter is at it, record and store as
| much other data as one can -- EMG
| from as much of the musculature as
| is possible [here, I'm reiterating my
| long-prior discussions of "Myographic
| Array Diagnosis ["MAD", which I
| invented in the late 1980s]. Ideally,
| this would be done via body suits
| studded with myographic sensors.
| [...]

"MAD" was developed as one of
the first techniques that would give
folks opportunity to independentlyV
erify the TD E/I-minimization princ-
iple. It works with some of the stuff
that's presented in the "Short Paper"
secton of AoK -- explicitly, the
stuff that's discussed in the "jump
button" dealing with "limping behav-
ior", which focuses upon a specific
sub-set of "tuning-precision voids"
[instances of TD E/I(up)] that can
be detected using arrays of myo-
graphic detectors.

Basically, what can be so detected
is the diminished power with which
particular muscles are activated be-
cause an injury has occurred that
causes "pain" receptors to become
activated to the degree that those
muscles are activated.

So, if an array of myographic de-
tectors is placed over the musc-
ulature that drives the movement
of, say, a "sprained" ankle, and
the injured Person is =carefully=
guided through moving his ankle
through it's full range of motion,
the myographic array's outputs
will literally constitute a "picture"
of the way that "pain" activation's
relatively diffuse nature [which is
an embodiment of TD E/I(up)]
drives spinal reflexes and the
cerebellum's entirely-inhibitory
outputs so that the activation of the
muscles that drive movements of
the injured ankle will be weakened
in power in proportion to the degree
to which the correlated ankle move-
ments activate the diffusely-mapped
"pain" receptors. The musculature
literally goes-"limp", which is lit-
erally what "limping" behavior is
all about.

The "MAD" technique can, there-
fore, be used to Diagnose =all=
manner of injuries in which activ-
ation of correlated musculature
activates "pain" receptors.

And the output-traces are literally
a "picture" of the TD E/I-minimiz-
ation that's inherent in the "limping"
behavioral manifestations.

Of course, there's some "back-
ground" processing that's necessary
be-cause the individual muscles are
mapped individually [:-] with respect
to various ranges of limb-movement,
but this's no "big-deal" because it,
mostly, has to be programmed once,
with individual-subject variations be-
ing handled, further, in a case-by-case,
data-driven way, which, when the
Value of the generalized-"information"
that will be so-developed is consid-
ered, is really "nothing" to 'worry'
about. [The technique will flat-out
yield =deep= understanding of all
manner of musculature function,
and convergence upon this under-
standing is, 'simply', =automated=
within the technique's data-basing.
What I mean, here, is that just
gaining this deep-understanding of
muscle function is, itself, valuable
enough to pay-back the costs of
developing the technique -- even
if it were not so useful with respect
to Diagnosing all manner of muscle-
activation-correlated injury [or dis-
ease processes -- but, after the
technique is developed, it will be-
come a standard methodology
within Medicine ranging in applica-
tion from arthritis, ALS [all musc-
ulature distrophies], to Sports
Medicine, etc. And, within all of
such applications, Diagnosis will
be =completely= -automated, and,
what's really neat about the techni-
que is the way it [also automatically]
rigorously cross-correlates muscle
function with nervous system func-
tion [which will yield =deep= un-
derstanding within pure-Neurosci-

All of this usefulness is augmented
to the degree that quantity of data
increases, which is why, if I were
to do it, after doing some basic work
with a small number of myographic
detectors, I'd want to develop a
full-zoot body-suit that's studded
with detectors so that the detector-
array can be 'rigorously'-ordered
as much as is practicable [given nor-
mal body-structure variation].

If I were to do it myself, I'd spend
only a little effort with traditional
paper traces, and move right into
false-color-coding upon a fully-rota-
table "3-D" computer image of 'the'
body's form -- to give easily-interp-
reted "pictures" of injury-conditions.

So "MAD" pays for itself in an ex-
tremely-"compounded" way, very-
rapidly leaving-behind its develop-
ment costs. [But the technique
really should be developed in an
open-ended way that accumulates
enhancements that are pointed-to
in results-achieved -- so =remem-
ber= the usefulness of developing
the code "cleanly" so that open-
ended enhancements are facilitated.]

The "payoff" for me, though, has
always been with respect to enabl-
ing folks to See "TD E/I-minimiza-
tion" as it's discussed in the cor-
related portion of AoK's "Short
Paper" section [and, from there,
with respect to the rest of AoK].

To See that goal, one has to work
=carefully= through the correlated
discussion that's given in AoK's
"Short Paper" section, while simultan-
eously referencing AoK, Ap3, and
standard Neuroanatomy texts like
Carpenter and Sutin [which really
deserves continued updating and

[Please don't "buzz" me about "why
I'm just getting around to discussing
"MAD" 'now'". I'm not. I've discussed
it reiteratively over the 'years'. I'm
discussing it again, 'now', because I'm
hoping that folks're ready to get-it.]

[I long-ago assigned my Rights to the
Myographic-Array Diagnosis [MAD]
technique to my Nephew, James
Michael Collins [=Independent= of his
Professional responsibilities], so folks
who want to use anything that's correl-
ated to "Myographic-Array Diagnosis"
need to go through him to obtain neces-
sary Permissions. All such Permissions
are Contingent upon users of the tech-
nique contributing to a generalized TD
E/I-minimization database. I'll consult,
within my means to do so, and as is
useful within such endeavor.]

[I'll be offline until I "heal" my sleep

Cheers, ken [k. p. collins] 

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