I have a question

behdadm at gmail.com behdadm at gmail.com
Mon Dec 27 18:25:24 EST 2004


I think you are wrong.

"Handbook of Perception and Human Performance" page 16-8:

"It is sometimes mistakenly claimed that the peripheral retina is more
sensitive to motion than the fovea. In fact the threshold of motion
increases steadily with eccentricity"

Although the rods are more sensitive to motion than cones, there are
many other factors that can influence the motion sensitivity of fovea
and other parts of field of view. For example, each receptor is
connected to one ganglion cell in the fovea, but at the periphery 25
receptors are connected to 1 ganglion.

What is your reference?
Sorry but I didn't understand the meaning of "AoK, Ap6".


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