"Jim" <uhor3rih at hotmail.com> wrote in message news:WwVzd.125420$dP1.450864 at newsc.telia.net...
|| Thanks guys! Very interesting. I am a stock and futures trader and i see
| quantified thought/emotion in the market all the time. Time and price seems
| to be in the traders mind because they act almost the same way.
'time' and 'price' are just place-holders
that gain their relevance within relatively-
shared TD E/I-minimization within relati-
ively-shared external experiential environ-
They are the form into which stock traders'
collective action exerts 'force' within the
energy-flow in which stock traders "swim".
Everything else, regardless of cognitive/be-
havioral focus, is analogous.
A Child playing on the seashore, for in-
stance, experiences the ebb and flow of
the tides in a way that's exactly analogous
to a stock trader's experiencing the ebb
and flow of "price".
Only, the Child sees Truth, where the
stock trader only "imagines" it and hopes
that he "sees Truth", be-cause "price" is,
mostly, 'manufactured' in the 'consensual'
actions of the relatively-shared experienc-
es of stock traders.
Which is why the stock market, and bus-
iness in general, remain, largely, crap
If you look, you'll see that I'm giving
understanding, =not= "buzzing" you.
| In meditation observation of thought is important. Who/what is the observer?
| :0)
"TD E/I-minimization" within the "special
topological homeomorphism of [...] nerv-
ous systems".
k. p. collins