I have a question

Peter F effectivespamblock at ozemail.com.au
Sun Dec 26 08:55:03 EST 2004

"kenneth collins" <kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net> wrote in message news:Nbvzd.33508$uM5.16129 at bgtnsc05-news.ops.worldnet.att.net...
> typo alert.
> "kenneth collins" <kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net> wrote in message 
> news:ZK4zd.29247$uM5.15663 at bgtnsc05-news.ops.worldnet.att.net...
> | [...]
> || The rods are much-fa[s]ter than
> || the cones.
An important correction that makes a significant difference :-)
to an interesting and to me 'vaguely accEPTable' (_not_ 'hardly acceptable') reasoning. 

I can confirm your reasoning by first-hand
observations of my orienting-'reflexing' when something 
to me thoroughly known and familiar moved and was picked up by a 
most peripheral part of my field of vision. 

This alerting effect did - no matter how repetitious the not too frequent flapping 
of that yellow raincoat outside the window to the right of me and my PC - 
reliably disrupt (by rapid "down-shifting") my "paying" (or focusing) 
a QWERTY-keyboard-pounding intellectual thinking type "actention" (or, IOW, the corresponding actention module's 
dominance within my "Actention Selection System"). 


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