kenneth collins kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Sun Dec 26 00:49:56 EST 2004

%   Standard Prolog Environment

%% Window attributes  -- for colour or B&W tube

:- set_video(3,_) ->              % Can we put it in mode 3 (color text) ??
   assert(wina$(main, 31, 31)),   % Main window blue on white with black border
   assert(wina$(alert, 120, 4)),  % Alerts - red on white border
   assert(wina$(highlight, 79)),  % Active Button
   assert(wina$(bold, 116)),
    assert(wina$(main, 7, 112)),
    assert(wina$(alert, 112, 7)),
    assert(wina$(highlight, 112)),
    assert(wina$(bold, 15))

%%  The name of the help file used by 'help'
%%  Change the second argument if you wish to use different files
%%  for the index and text files respectively

help$(idx, 'help.idx').
help$(txt, 'help.txt').

%% The name of your editor - be certain to include a space as the last
%% element of the list, also make sure it is a character list NOT an atom

editor$("ed ").

% This call reserves memory in DOS so we can be assured that we have at
% least 100K bytes to execute dos commands - namely the editor
% So, figure out how much room you editor will need to run and
% put the number in here.  Remove the line entirely if you
% don't wish to reserve memory at all. In this case your editor will
% be at the mercy of Prolog - should Prolog expand in memory then
% it may become impossible to run your editor

:- reserve_memory(15000).

% Assign ports

ioport(printer, 'lpt1').   % Set second argument to your printer
% page_eject.                % Remove if you don't want new page feeds
                           % after each page is printed.

% Misc

% gc_page_flag$.
% complain$.

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