"John Hasenkam" <johnh at faraway.> wrote in message
news:41c80da3$1 at dnews.tpgi.com.au...
| Hi Ken,
|| Me? I'm stuffed, eyesight still not stabilised, can't find work,
| hungry, not studying much these days.
|| All the best for the season Ken.
||| Regards,
||| John.
Hi John.
I've felt badly about a number of
things, one of which has been the
background colors of the electronic
version of AoK -- makes it hard
to read.
So I finally fixed that tonight, and
will post a replacement version of
"PROLOG.ENV" for folks to copy
into the directories from which their
copies of AoK run.
Be sure to copy the old version of
"PROLOG.ENV" to a safe place
before overlaying it. The hyper-
text software doesn't run if this
file becomes corrupted.
[Everyone's saved the files in which
their copies of AoK wer sent to them
right? [original compressed file]].
It's 'funny'. I was going to also offer
a hypertext and PDF versions, but
when I set to work on them earlier,
I found that the base docs are cor-
That's the way things go when one
has to interminably exist in Hell
while one 'waits' for permission to
rejoin Humanity.
So I'll have to rewrite AoK bit by
I'm not going to do that until I don't
have to 'worry' about staying-alive.
Anyway, I'll post a follow-up to this
msg, and that entire msg will be the
replacement "PROLOG.ENV".
I've tested it thoroughly. Works fine.
If you made a "shortcut" to run AoK,
you can also right click on on the
shortcut, select the "Fonts" tab, and
select a font that works best at the
window resolution you're using. At-
tend to the little box on the left. It
depicts the relative size of the win-
dow in which AoK will run. You
want one that best-replicates norm-
al CRT height and width. If you
run "full screen" [on the "options"
tab], the fonts you see derive in
the hardware of your monitor.
k. p. collins