I have a question

kenneth collins kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Fri Dec 24 22:02:17 EST 2004

One word changed, below.

"kenneth collins" <kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net> wrote in 
news:3B4zd.1157209$Gx4.94414 at bgtnsc04-news.ops.worldnet.att.net...
| <behdadm at gmail.com> wrote in message
| news:1103941854.985718.57520 at f14g2000cwb.googlegroups.com...
|| Hi friends
|| I am a mechanical engineer. For some
|| stupid reason I am doing research
|| on eye.
|| The thing that I want to know is that
|| which part of the retina is more
|| sensitive to motion? I know that the
|| fovea is more sensitive, but I am
|| looking for a table or something that
|| compare different parts of the
|| retina.
|| Thanks you for your help
| Actually, the periphery is more
| sensitive to motion.
| The rods are much-fater than
| the cones.
| It has to be this way because
| what's going on in the fovea is
| already exposed to conscious-
| ness, but, when something hap-
| pens out in the periphery, de-
| pending on it's correlated 'vect-
| ors', it needs to not only be de-
| tected, but it has to force atten-
| tion to switch-over to it.
| This requires the peripheral stuff
| to be "more sensitive to motion"
| [which is not the way I'd say it].
| There is a =general= rule for all
| such considerations, and it applies
| rigorously across the whole nervous
| system. This general rule even determ-
| ines the [structure] of the body :-]         <--
| [For those who have it, the necessary
| "vector" stuff is given in AoK, Ap6.]
| k. p. collins

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