Sorry. More TD E/I-minimization
"kenneth collins" <kenneth.p.collins at> wrote in
news:4dkyd.1143210$Gx4.660720 at
| Sorry. It's an Homage to Dad, so
| I want to fix the typos. I'm going to
| leave the changes unmarked because
| it's for =him=.
|| "kenneth collins" <kenneth.p.collins at> wrote in
| message
| news:U_jyd.20865$uM5.14204 at|| "kenneth collins" <kenneth.p.collins at> wrote in
|| message
|| news:rybyd.19530$uM5.18363 at||| "kenneth collins" <kenneth.p.collins at> wrote in
||| message
||||||news:qf9yd.1139985$Gx4.657383 at
|||| [...]
||||||| It was a really-good Sled. The fastest
|||| of all the sleds in the neighborhood. [I
|||| took it down into Dad's workshop and
|||| carefully honed it's runners, working
|||| down the grit-gradient until they were
|||| smooth-as-glass. Then I waxed 'em :-]
|||| "grit-gradient" = My Dad's large selection
|| of abrasive cloths and papers. I "worked
|| down" its "gradient", going from "coarse"
|| abrasiveness to "hardly-any" abrasiveness.
|| Dad had abrasives for every purpose, and
|| they'd put the "gleem" to any common
|| metal. [For really-rough-stuff, Dad had
|| various motorized "grinders".]
|| Dad could make almost anything out of
| almost nothing.
|| This was his Way of Giving-All, and, Man!
| was he ever =Good= at it.
||| 'Course, when working with hand-abras-
|| ives, one has to supply the "elbow grease",
|| but that's just long-term TD E/I-minimiza-
|| tion that 'moves' with Directionality that
|| literally "reaches-out" into the 'nothingness'
|| to 'grasp' "slipery-shininess" and 'drag' it
|| into Being, 'telling' "friction" to 'go away'.
|||| And the True-Wonder thing is that the
|| "Knowledge", inherent, was accum-
|| ulated, over the course of the millenia,
|| via 'just' more TD E/I-minimization,
|| handed-down, intergenerationally via
|| convergence upon 'shared' "analogous"
|| TD E/I-minimization [like in my recent
|| post "On Language", except including
|| more than "language" because it's eas-
|| ier to demonstrate how to polish metal
|| than it is to "talk-it-into-existence"].
||||| :-]
|||||| Sled-runner-'td e/i-minimization'.
||||||| This Sled always won every "race",
|||| both on speed and distance.
|||| [...]
|||||| See?
|||||| It's Child's-Play.
|||||| And, no matter what, it Works.
|| You're still the Greatest Man I've ever
| encountered, Dad. I Miss-You somethin'
| Fierce.
|| Say "Hi" to God for me.
|| Love, Petes [k. p. collins]