"kenneth collins" <kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net> wrote in
news:nIRxd.1133850$Gx4.123946 at bgtnsc04-news.ops.worldnet.att.net...
| [...]
| 'Course, one must do the work
| inherent in "ranging-widely" within
| Truth's One-Map.
|| One can only "see" to the degree
| that one does that work.
| [...]
And, of course, one can only
"range widely" within Truth's
One-Map to the degree that
to which one's personal circum-
stances allow one to so 'move'.
One of the Sorrowfully-'funny'
things about 'human' behavior
is the way folks so routinely
'move away from' allowing
others to "range widely" with-
in Truth's One-Map.
As in 'moving away from' Pub-
lishing one's work, ar even
Reviewing it, or just talking
with one -- you know -- in-
"Sorry", but there's a =lot=
of this Sorrowfully-'funny'
stuff that, in absence-of-under-
standing with respect to how
and why nervous systems proc-
ess "information" via 'blindly'-
automated TD E/I-minimization,
all passes right-through nervous
systems without being detected.
[Well a lot of it is 'detected',
but only 'blindly'-and-automat-
ically -- which induces folks to
'blindly'-and-automatically Rav-
age one another's Beings, which
tends, strongly, to "spiral inwardly"
within groupwise interactive
dynamics [AoK, Ap8].]
So, as Gently as I can, I'll grad-
ually "lift the veil" from 'all' of this
Sorrowfully-'funny' stuff so that
folks can, then, 'move toward'
not only "allowing" folks to "range
widely" within Truth's One-Map,
but also 'move toward' actively-
enabling folks to do so.
It's what Jesus was talking about
when He said, ~"Blind fools! First
remove the log from your own eye
so that you can, then, see to re-
move the speck from your neigh-
bor's eye."
And He wasn't "kidding".
And, 'now', we all know whence
comes the 'blindness'.
So don't be 'afraid' when I ad-
dress the Sorrowfully-'funny'
It's just more of what needs to
be done.
And, surely, Jesus Saw it's Sor-
rowfulness, and, look and see,
it's plain-as-day-obvious that He
also Saw it's 'funniness'.
But He Lovingly picked up His
Cross, and bid us to "follow" Him.
Only, where He picked up His
Cross to Die, He bids us to pick
up our "crosses", to =Live=.
[Our "crosses" exist =within= us,
"decussation" [a =perfect= name
for them, when how and why
they're in-there is not understood --
"de cuss-ation!" -- probably only
works in English :-]
We "lift them up" through under-
standing -- =together= we "lift
them up".
Working-through the Sorrowfully-
'funny' stuff is 'just' part of that.
You know -- so that we can first,
take the 'log' out of our own 'eye',
so that we can, then See to remove
the 'speck' from our 'neighbor's
You know -- instead of Killing, or
otherwise leaving him Ravaged.
The "log" is the absence-of-under-
standing with respect to our selves.
Blessed Christmas! to All People,
Love, ken [K. P. Collins]