SFI Complex Systems Summer Schools

Paul Brault paul at santafe.edu
Tue Dec 21 12:51:28 EST 2004


Santa Fe School:  June 6 - July 1, 2005.  Held on the campus of St.
John's College, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.  Administered by the Santa
Fe Institute (SFI).  Director:  Melanie Mitchell, Portland State
University and SFI.

China School: July 11 to August 5, 2005 in Beijing, China. Sponsored by
SFI in cooperation with The Institute of Theoretical Physics, The
Academy of Mathematics and Systems Sciences, and the Graduate School,
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Co-directors: John Holland,
University of Michigan and SFI; Chen Xiao-song, Institute for
Theoretical Physics, CAS.

General Description

The Complex Systems Summer Schools offer an intensive four-week
introduction to complex behavior in mathematical, physical, living, and
social systems for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in the
sciences and social sciences. The schools are aimed at participants who
want to obtain the background and hands-on experience that will help
prepare them to do interdisciplinary research in areas related to
complex systems.

Applications are welcome from all countries. Participants are expected
to attend either the Santa Fe or the Beijing school for the full four
weeks.  All activities will be conducted in English at both schools.
Enrollment is limited.

Each school consists of an intensive series of lectures, laboratories,
and discussion sessions focusing on foundational ideas, tools, and
current topics in complex systems research.  These include nonlinear
dynamics and pattern formation, scaling theory, information theory and
computation theory, adaptation and evolution, network structure and
dynamics, adaptive computation techniques, computer modeling tools, and
specific applications of these core topics to various disciplines. In
addition, participants will formulate and carry out team projects
related to topics covered in the school.


Santa Fe: No tuition is charged.  100% of housing and meal costs are
supported for graduate students and 50% for postdoctoral fellows (the
remaining fee is $750, due at the beginning of the school). Most
students will provide their own travel funding. Some travel
scholarships may be available based on demonstrated need, with
preference given to international students.

China:  No tuition is charged.  100% of housing and meal costs are
supported for all participants. Most students will provide their own
travel funding. Some travel scholarships may be available based on
demonstrated need.


Housing at both schools will be in single or double occupancy dorm
rooms with shared bathrooms.  Computing resources will be available,
including ethernet ports for student laptops.  Housing and travel
support for accompanying families is not available.


Applications are solicited from graduate students and postdoctoral
fellows in any discipline. Some background in science and mathematics
(including multi-variable calculus and linear algebra) is required.
Proficiency in English is also required.

Students should indicate school location preference when applying.
Placements may be influenced by recent increased restrictions in U.S.
foreign visitor policies.

Application requirements

1.  Current resume or CV.  Include a clear description of your current
educational or professional status, and a list of publications, if any.

2.  A statement of your current research interests and comments about
why you want to attend the school (suggested length: two to three

3.  Two letters of recommendation from scholars who know your work.

4.  If you are applying to the Beijing school and English is not your
first language, you must also submit evidence of English competency in
order to complete your application. You can do this in one of two ways:

* Request that your TOEFL scores be sent to SFI. SFI's TOEFL code is
8595. Make sure that you request your scores to be sent well in advance
to ensure that your application will be complete by the January 28,
2005 deadline.

* Request a third letter of recommendation from an English professor
certifying your English language competency. This letter can be sent
via e-mail to summerschool at santafe.edu.

How to Apply

Online: Our online application form allows you to submit all of your
materials electronically (including a feature which allows your
referees to upload letters of recommendation directly to your file).
We strongly encourage you to apply online at
<http://www.santafe.edu/csss05.html> to expedite your application.

Postal Mail/Courier: Applications sent via postal mail will also be
accepted. Include a cover letter providing your e-mail address and fax
number, and specifying whether you wish to be considered for a travel
scholarship. (This will not influence the review of your application.)
Do not bind your application materials in any manner.  Send application
materials to:

Summer Schools
Santa Fe Institute
1399 Hyde Park Road
Santa Fe, NM 87501 USA

If applying via post, letters of recommendation may be sent separately
to the address above, or included in your application package in sealed


All application materials, including letters of recommendation, must be
received at SFI or electronically submitted no later than January 28,

Women, minorities, and students from developing countries are
especially encouraged to apply.

If you have further questions about the Complex Systems Summer Schools,
please e-mail summerschool at santafe.edu.

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