Some full text articles needed

kenneth collins kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Tue Dec 21 02:48:10 EST 2004

"Robusta" <robusta at gmail.com> wrote in message 
news:1f7926c1.0412200219.6c23da0b at posting.google.com...
| Hello all!
| I'm a PhD student at CS department,
| and my thesis work is related to
| EEG source localization. I often need
| some articles on EEG but my
| institution isn't subscribed to any
| neurophysiological journals,
| because it is CS, not neuroscience.
| Can anybody help me with my problem?
| If I provide you exact info about
| article could you download it for me?
| I'll appreciate any help very much!
| Thanks!
| Robusta
| [...]

I discussed the basics of how to do
this some 'time' about a 'year' ago.

I think I called it "STDEEG", but
when I did a Groups Google[tm]
on that, all I got were two porn

I don't have ready-access to my
former discussions, but they contain
a useful starting point.

Anyone else know how to access

ken [k. p. collins] 

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