"kenneth collins" <kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net> wrote in
news:N25xd.1119574$Gx4.179958 at bgtnsc04-news.ops.worldnet.att.net...
| [...]
| It's all so extremely-functional be-
| cause the one-way flow of energy
| from order to disorder that is what's
| =described= by 2nd Thermo [WDB2T]
| is as a universally-Reliant "constant"
| within physical reality.
|| TD E/I-minimization Errors ["False
| finitizations", AoK, Ap4] are auto-
| correcting within TD E/I-minimization
| be-cause they always occur as instances
| of TD E/I(up) -- which 'contradicts'
| WDB2T.
| [...]
Climbing WDB2T is what Life does.
Life is anti-disorder.
So is TD E/I-minimization.
And what's Wonderous is that it's WDB2T
that empowers Life, even in the midst of
it's everywhere 'moving toward' disorder,
=except= in-Life.
[Reminds me of some lyrics in a Kris
Kristofferson song, ~ "I beat the devil...
then I drank his beer" :-]
When such climbing of WDB2T ceases,
Life ceases, and what was Alive 'moves'
in the other direction -- becoming WDB2T,
as what was Alive dis-integrates.
"Dust to dust. Ashes to ashes."
It's how we spend our 'time' in-between
that matters -- that makes a difference.
It's such a Sorrow to see the way folks
waste such.
You know -- as if they 'love' WDB2T's
dis-integrating-ness, 'moving toward' it
even while 'alive'.
| It's WDB2T that keeps everything
| straight.
|| Get it?
|| If you want to understand nervous
| system function,
if you want to understand Biology,
| =at any scale=, you
| have to 'go' right through the middle
| of this stuff.
|| So get it :-]
k. p. collins