One Thing that I've been working to Teach folks

kenneth collins kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Sun Dec 19 02:55:56 EST 2004

You know -- this stuff about "formal

"Put it on a web site, Ken."

Would that make any difference?

[Really, would it even be accessible
to others?]

I've been "stubborn" with respect
to such.

What's that all about?

That 'box' should not have such
'power' over what needs to be

You know? Folks should be able
to just do what needs to be done,
without having to 'jump through
hoops', and without having to de-
fend the doing of what needs to
be done from 'Predators' who
would 'take' what needs to be
done, to 'seek-profits' through ab-
use of it.

I've been working to lift-folks-up
in understanding of this stuff, too.

It's not "stubbornness".

It's just more of what needs to be

It cannot be that what needs to be
done is 'shunted-off' into 'nothing-
ness' 'because' it's not done in "the
way [this or that] is supposed to
be done".

That's an agreed-to 'living'-Death,
isn't it?


Why "agree" with such?

Why not just =do= what needs to
be done?

All of this stuff is 'just' more of the
way that 'blindly'-automated TD E/I-
minimization Ravages Humanity.

=Nothing= stuff, allowed to 'Dictate'
to Humanity.

It's completely without Reason, no?


But, when I 'struggle' in this way, folks
experience what I do as constituting
an 'attack' on their "values".

And folks, 'blindly' and automatically,
do all they can to 'thwart' the doing
of what needs to be done -- in order
to 'uphold' their 'values'.

You know, "Wentanschuuang 'proving'".

And look at what such 'proof' says a-
bout folks 'values'.

"We have to let massive Slaughter oc-
cur, because, if we didn't, we could
not, then, sustain this [insert the 'boxed'
stuff of your choice here].

Weigh the stuff that nervous systems
'balance' in-there.

See what such measurement says a-
bout what's, supposedly, "valuable".

It doesn't Compute.

Anyway, I Confess. When, 'decades'
ago, I could not get AoK formally-
Published, or find anyone who'd
discuss it, I Saw that this stuff was
=in= what needed to be done.

So I've been working at doing what
needs to be done with respect to
what's Sorrowful in-it.

It's so =easy= to rise above it.

It's what Jesus was talking about
when He said, "Let your 'yes' be
'yes', and your 'no' be 'no'".

He was saying, "communication is
precious, honor that by by =being=
in it".

You know? What's the difference
between a paper being reviewed
by a bunch of formally-appointed
Reviewers and a bunch of folks
who've just had opportunity to ex-
perience what's being "reviewed"?

The number of "reviewers" :-]

Whether or not one has "formal
appointment" does not, somehow,
'alter' what it is that one can do,
does it.


This's pretty-Important to under-

ken [k. p. collins]

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