Synaptic communication and re-uptake / reuptake inhibitors / Adrafinil

INFOHAZARD infohazard at gmail.com
Sat Dec 18 00:35:54 EST 2004

On Thu, 16 Dec 2004 23:14:03 +0100, 1234 <123412 at 101.com> wrote:

>>>Also how could things like Adrafinil (norepinephrine agonist) work? Is 
>>>it stored in vesicules at the end of axons together with the 
>>>norepinephrine and released into the synapses together with it?
>> [...]
>> Not stored.  Diffusion.  Diffusion. OK?
>Explain "diffusion" to a layman please?
ENTROPY, Man.  Tendency towards disorder.  The heat death of the
universe.  It's just ALL so Hopeless...  RTFD. 

>Does it leak out of the brain vessels and spreads into all the synaptic 
>clefts roughly equally? (I don't know how this could be helpful: seems 
>to add just random "noise" to brain signals...?)
But only the receptors of interest receive the signal.


So that's what the problem is.  Wait for the TIA to wear off before
posting and better talk to a neurologist before you have a full


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Send someone to fetch a child of five.
    -Groucho Marx

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