On Thu, 16 Dec 2004 23:14:03 +0100, 1234 <123412 at 101.com> wrote:
>>>>>Also how could things like Adrafinil (norepinephrine agonist) work? Is
>>>it stored in vesicules at the end of axons together with the
>>>norepinephrine and released into the synapses together with it?
>>>>> [...]
>> Not stored. Diffusion. Diffusion. OK?
>>Explain "diffusion" to a layman please?
>ENTROPY, Man. Tendency towards disorder. The heat death of the
universe. It's just ALL so Hopeless... RTFD.
>Does it leak out of the brain vessels and spreads into all the synaptic
>clefts roughly equally? (I don't know how this could be helpful: seems
>to add just random "noise" to brain signals...?)
>But only the receptors of interest receive the signal.
So that's what the problem is. Wait for the TIA to wear off before
posting and better talk to a neurologist before you have a full
A child of five would understand this.
Send someone to fetch a child of five.
-Groucho Marx