Fluid-Mechanical Black-Body Radiation

kenneth collins kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Fri Dec 17 00:10:01 EST 2004

"kenneth collins" <kenneth.p.collins at worldnet.att.net> wrote in 
news:bptwd.1107916$Gx4.958819 at bgtnsc04-news.ops.worldnet.att.net...
| [...]

I've been 'tossed-out' of sci.physics.research.

"Too speculative."

How does one begin to communicate the Fact
that all the "Physics" that folks're long-'familiar'
with is Wrong without Lying and without falling
'victim' to 'the way things are supposed to be'
in Physics?

It's 'hilarious'. This's where I stood with respect
to Physics 40 'years' ago, and why I Saw that
the Neuroscience Problem had to be Resolved.

So that "what was" would stop 'Dictating' "what
will be".

I'll have to think, some, before I figure out what
I can still do here in b.n [it's 'hard' because I un-
derstand it's not "appropriate" for me to discuss
Physics here in b.n]. That, and I'm 'tired' -- and
I'd allowed myself to Hope that I'd finally be
Finished with what's fallen to me to do.

More 'time' in my merciless-imprisonment, the
butt of jokes, Life draining-out-of-me for want
of some face-mail 'time'.

k. p. collins 

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